EarthSeeds - Humanity's Ultimate Purpose in the Evolution of Life

Welcome to the EarthSeeds art intervention

The EarthSeeds art intervention is an open source, open space, open community astronautical art intervention.

The EarthSeeds art intervention is designed to send the "Seeds of Earth" to other places in the solar system to help insure that Life will survive elsewhere if the conditions for its survival on Earth become inhospitable. It is based on the knowledge that in nature, the perpetuation and survival of all forms of life are maintained through the process of reproduction. The propagation of a species is the best way for it to survive and thrive in the natural selection process. Viewed from a macro-perspective which includes of all life on Earth, the ultimate survival of “Life“ itself is also dependent on it reproducing itself in another environment.

This effort is conceived of as a space art intervention in order to have wide latitude in the process of development and implementation. The first EarthSeed art realizations in space may be more symbolic than realistic. However, as these efforts materilize they will serve to promote publicity for the concept as well as to build experience and to accumulate data which will be applied to more advanced projects. As one of the main functions of art is communication, EarthSeed artworks may contribute to more international understanding through the simultaneous and global sharing of these unique cultural manifestations. As such, the EarthSeeds artistic payloads may contribute to fostering international cooperation through the necessary involvement of various international cultural, scientific and political partners. Thus, I am seeking collaboration from individuals, institutions and organizations that truly believe that the ultimate survival of all life on Earth depends on our dedicated help.



"Has humanity - and indeed, all terrestrial life - outgrown its home planet Earth?"


A major opportunity to present the EarthSeeds project to a large public took place during the 2017 Venice Art Biennale.

earthseeds installation Venice Biennale 2017
EarthSeeds Art Installation at 'Personal Structures' Palazzo Bembo, Venice, 2017


The Greater.Earth EarthSeeds installation was invited by the  Global Art Affairs Foundation, to be included in the  "Personal Structures" group exhibition that took place during the 2017 Venice Art Biennale at the European Cultural Centre.

The two-room exhibition in Palazzo Bembo became an interactive outpost of the project with a direct connection to the Greater.Earth space station where Arthur interacted with the visitors to the exhibition via the Internet. The installation was designed to match the architectural  environment of the space station in Earth orbit. In the second room, an EarthSeeds installation that symbolically relates to the idea of sending EarthSeeds to an extraterrestrial environment and beginning the process of terraforming.

It was estimated that over 200,000 people visited the exhibition in Palazzo Bembo.

Set-up & EarthSeeds on Mars (3.32 min)

Video accompanying the installtion (21.16 min)


Palazzo Bembo and Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy
May 13th to November 26th, 2017
Preview: 11-12 May, 2017

Hosted by the European Cultural Centre.
Exhibitions open 13 May (Preview 11-12 May) - 26 November 2017 
Open 10:00 - 18:00, closed on Tuesdays.


European Cultural Centre Website

Personal Structures Open Borders 2017

Exhibition Catalogue (PDF)



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